Tag Archives: Coworking Culture

Do Coworking Spaces Help Employees Develop Their 'Professionalism'- Let's Find Out!

Work forms a significant part of a person’s self-identity. Organisations and companies spend much time and resources in nurturing that identity among their employees.  When companies have an influential work culture, employees identify with it. With identity comes a deeper connection to the firm which drives people to participate more, stay a bit longer, and …

9 Effective Ways to Build A Strong Company Culture in A Coworking Space

There’s a reason why coworking spaces are called the ‘workplaces of the future’ – They are refreshingly different when compared to traditional workspaces, and offer a whole bunch of benefits like networking opportunities, a community-oriented environment, a cost-effective workplace, and boundless inspiration from other co-workers.  From start-ups to freelancers and remote businesses, coworking spaces enjoy …

Destroying The 'Coworking Complex' For Introverts

There are quite a few myths surrounding coworking spaces. However, the one that probably affects people the most is that coworking spaces aren’t right for introverts.  Well, this couldn’t be far from the truth… and we’ve got the numbers to prove it! An annual shared workplace survey shows that: “22% of coworking members identify as …

Coworking Spaces And Employee Engagement- The Obvious Connection Most Of Us Miss

Millennials (the present) and Generation Z (the upcoming) employees are touted as the ‘creative class.’ Both groups refuse to tread the traditional paths. Be it the choice to work as freelancers, or to switch companies (and in some cases, careers), the routes they forge are very different. When it comes to employee engagement, the ‘openness’ …

7 Things You Can Avoid To Make The Most Of Your Coworking Experience

While working from home has been the traditional definition of flexibility, coworking spaces are slowly becoming the preferred choice. These ‘workplaces of the future’ combine the opportunities of flexible working schedules with a more workplace-like environment. Additionally, the inherent ‘openness’ of these spaces makes them havens for networking and collaboration. However, to make the most …

Why Coffee Is The 'Magic Bean Juice' That Your Workplace Needs!

According to research, a good cup of coffee can make their entire workday better, for 89% of office workers. That’s hardly surprising, given that the caffeinated drink is pretty much the only thing that can get you through Mondays! Coffee is not just another beverage in the workplace. It plays many other roles too. Let’s …

Independence Day Celebrations

India has been known for its incredible diversity, and is home to some of the best, most innovative minds of the world. India has created a niche for itself on the world map, because of this very diversity, and the thriving coexistence and codependence of people belonging to different social, economic, and demographic groups. Coworking …