What Role Does A Community Manager Play In A Coworking Space- Let's Find Out!

“Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet.” ― Henry Mintzberg A physical space that promotes productivity and an environment that cultivates collaboration entices people to opt a coworking space. At least, at first. What keeps the members coming back, again and again? The community manager! It is the many tasks …

Here's How Coworking Spaces Help Nurture Your Business

‘It’s wonderful when you pair entrepreneurs together because they can share experiences and, in some ways, push each other to build better products going forward.’  –  Kevin Systrom These simple words by Instagram’s co-founder convey a compelling truth. When you put together minds that are bent on creating something, you create a win-win situation. And …

17 Events That Can Be Hosted Successfully In A Coworking Space

Ask any employee what lies at the heart of any workplace, and they’ll tell you it’s coffee! But when it comes to coworking spaces, coffee takes second place – it’s the community that makes them tick. More than a benefit, the community is the very crux of a shared workspace.  And how does one build …

Do Coworking Spaces Help Employees Develop Their 'Professionalism'- Let's Find Out!

Work forms a significant part of a person’s self-identity. Organisations and companies spend much time and resources in nurturing that identity among their employees.  When companies have an influential work culture, employees identify with it. With identity comes a deeper connection to the firm which drives people to participate more, stay a bit longer, and …

Can You Benefit From 'Collaborating' With The Competition- Let's Explore!

If there’s one word that defines coworking spaces, it is ‘collaborative’. Given the incredible diversity of these spaces, in terms of people that function in them and the fields they belong to, coworking spaces allow fruitful networking, partnership and professional collaborations.  However, conventional wisdom dictates that companies should steer clear of sharing the premises with …

9 Effective Ways to Build A Strong Company Culture in A Coworking Space

There’s a reason why coworking spaces are called the ‘workplaces of the future’ – They are refreshingly different when compared to traditional workspaces, and offer a whole bunch of benefits like networking opportunities, a community-oriented environment, a cost-effective workplace, and boundless inspiration from other co-workers.  From start-ups to freelancers and remote businesses, coworking spaces enjoy …

Exploring The Rising Trend Of Niche Coworking Spaces

By the end of the year, almost 2.2 million people are expected to work in over 22,000 coworking spaces worldwide. Pretty impressive, ain’t it? And, these ‘workplaces of the future’ seem to be evolving too.  A new trend is being observed as far as coworking spaces are concerned, that may become a reality in the …